13 Best Beauty Supplements Of 2023 & How To Choose

Sufficient intake of vitamins, and micro and macro elements is necessary for beauty, health, and the normal course of all processes in the body. Moreover, sometimes cosmetic care, masks, and peels do not bring the expected result due to an imbalance of nutrients. In this case, it is possible to use dietary supplements – biologically active additives in the form of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals for hair and skin.

Best Beauty Supplements

How to determine which biologically active substances are not enough in the body

No matter how trite it may sound, “self-medication can be dangerous for your health,” therefore, although dietary supplements are sold without a prescription, they are not medicines and are not used for treatment, it is not recommended to prescribe them yourself. Because an overdose of nutrients can be just as dangerous as their deficiency (more on that later).

First of all, consult your doctor. In general, if there are no complaints, you may not need tests and it will be enough to use dietary supplements in prophylactic dosages. But a specialist still has to make a decision.

In some cases, for example, if there is hair loss or skin problems, the doctor may recommend testing for:

  • Vitamins C, D, group B.
  • Zinc, folic acid, iron, total protein.
  • Amino acids, homocysteine, anti-collagen antibodies.

In addition to micronutrient deficiency/surplus, many other factors affect the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Therefore, hormones and ultrasound of the thyroid gland, diagnosis of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, etc. can be added to the list of tests.

What is a dangerous deficiency of vitamins in the body

Many of them in our body are either not produced at all, or synthesized in small quantities. Therefore, they should come with food (primarily) or as part of dietary supplements (as an auxiliary source).

hypervitaminosis dangerous

What can long-term hypovitaminosis lead to:

  • Metabolic disease;
  • Decreased appetite and performance;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Weakening of the immune system.

Why is hypervitaminosis dangerous?

Hypervitaminosis is a series of symptoms caused by an excess of vitamins when the dosage or duration of intake is exceeded. Excess water-soluble nutrients are excreted from the body through the kidneys, while fat-soluble nutrients enter the bloodstream and accumulate in adipose tissue. They can also cause hypervitaminosis. These are vitamins A (retinol), D (ergocalciferol), E (tocopherol), and K (phylloquinone).

For example, the main beauty benefit of vitamin A is in preventing the formation of wrinkles. But at the same time, an excess dose of retinol with the uncontrolled intake of dietary supplements increases the risk of developing lung cancer.

Vitamin D in combination with calcium is responsible for the strength of nails and the beauty of hair, but an overabundance of them increases the risk of kidney stones. The development of stones can also provoke an overdose of phylloquinone with vitamin C.

How to take Nutritional Supplements

The selection of dietary supplements is an individual process that requires medical experience and knowledge in order to choose a dietary supplement that, like a puzzle, will suit your body. Therefore, you need to start after consulting a doctor who will prescribe a course based on the results of tests or a prophylactic dose.

Recommendations for the use of dietary supplements:

  • Monitor the reactions of your body to the reception;
  • Without an appointment, do not combine various dietary supplements with each other;
  • Use dietary supplements on the recommendation of a doctor at certain times of the day, before, after, or during meals;
  • If you get a consultation with another doctor, be sure to tell him that you use dietary supplements;
  • Observe the dosage and do not allow an overabundance.

Top Dietary Beauty Supplements

You can buy nutritional supplements. The range includes dietary supplements for women, men, and children, individual products for those involved in sports, as well as vitamins for hair, nails, and skin.

Beauty Supplements


It is the main connective tissue protein responsible for the strength of joints, bones, and skin elasticity. It is believed that women after 25 years of age begin to lose collagen – wrinkles, stretch marks, brittle nails, and hair loss appear. Proper nutrition and dietary supplements help to replenish reserves.

Collagen is sometimes produced in combination with vitamins A and C, hyaluronic acid. It comes in capsules, tablets, powder, and liquid form. Some people do not like the taste and smell of collagen powder, then you can choose in liquid form in various flavors or in tablet/capsule form.

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Known as vitamin H or B₇, it is produced by the intestinal microflora and affects the structure of hair, nails, and skin health. In addition to participating in metabolic processes, biotin is also responsible for the youthfulness of the skin and regulates the sweat and sebaceous glands. Its deficiency can manifest itself through dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss, and brittle nails.

Omega 3

Our columnist Lena Filatova talks about the influence of polyunsaturated fatty acids on health and youth, in particular, the role of omega 3, In short, omega 3 is one of the structural components of the retina, brain, and skin, and is responsible for the strength of cell membranes. When the body has enough of these polyunsaturated fatty acids, the skin becomes elastic and hydrated, premature wrinkles are prevented, and photoaging slows down.


An important trace element that is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and cell regeneration, promotes better absorption of vitamins A and E. Zinc is useful for nails and hair, but this trace element is especially valued for its effect on the skin. Affects the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, preventing the appearance of rashes, and participates in the processes of cell restoration, and healing of damage.

Vitamin C

It is one of the most famous and researched vitamins. Working as an antioxidant, it is involved in many biochemical processes and affects the immune system, iron absorption, bone tissue regeneration, collagen production, and skin elasticity. Being water-soluble, it does not accumulate in the body and therefore must be regularly supplied to it with food.

Vitamin A

This fat-soluble vitamin affects the visual and reproductive functions, of the immune system. At the same time, it is extremely beneficial for the skin: it prevents premature aging, works as an antioxidant, and participates in the processes of cellular regeneration. Also responsible for the strength of nails and hair health.

Top questions about vitamins for beauty

What vitamins are needed for hair?

All nutrients in one way or another affect the health of hair, skin, and nails. Most often, B vitamins (riboflavin, panthenol, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid), A, C, D3 (calciferol), and E, as well as sulfur, calcium, zinc, keratin, collagen are added to complex dietary supplements for hair beauty.

What vitamins are lacking in hair loss?

For normal hair growth and development, all of the above vitamins and minerals are necessary. With the problem of prolapse, in order to select the necessary dietary supplements, the doctor may prescribe tests for iron and/or selenium.

What vitamins are needed for the skin?

To maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, water-soluble (C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, folic, pantothenic acids, biotin) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are needed.

What vitamins are needed for nails?

Most of all, vitamins A, E, D, C, H, and PP, as well as iodine, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, are necessary for the health of nails.

If you use dietary supplements, remember that they are intended to enrich the diet. And the main source of all the nutrients that enter your body is always healthy and varied food.

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